Busyness. Endless to Do’s. Endless meetings. Endless deadlines. Endless expectations. Survival.

And yet, in our overwhelm, we have this sneaking suspicion that there must be something more to life than being a slave to urgent matters. I know this from my personal experience, that's for sure. 

This constant clamor of our 24/7 nonstop culture has been labeled by the World Health Organization a “modern plague.” Why?  Because we are literally killing ourselves with one To Do list after another. How? We are neglecting some of the most significant human experiences vital to producing a life of well-being and fulfillment. 

The truth is, the human system is designed to optimize life by means of regular pauses. But not just stopping. A strategic stop.

“The Strategic Stop” is calling into question our culture’s tilt toward “doing” in contrast to “being.” It outlines nine strategic pauses we prioritize in our lives in order to be more fully human, more fully self-aware, and fulfilled.

What you will get in this book …

  • At the end of every chapter you will have sharing questions that guide you to apply the principles for yourself and for you and your teams

  • You will get a vision for what it means to shape Strategic Stops in your work and life and why it’s so vital to your well being

  • You will identify what your Strategic Stops most need to be in order to bring more fullness to your life

  • You will outline specific personal and professional steps for how to maximize your stops

  • You will learn how to optimize rest and resilience in ways that leverage your own energy style

  • You will deepen your self-awareness to increase confidence, purpose, and well-being

  • You will deconstruct limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs that liberate you

  • You will build more healthy relationships on your team, at work, and beyond that provide you far greater support

  • You will bring clarity to your purpose that increases your impact and influence in your organization

  • By building more strategic “stopping points” into the regular rhythm of your life, you will take back your human “being” side and live more fully alive.

What Other Leaders Are Saying

As a hospital administrator, I face a daily grind to squeeze every extra ounce of life from our doctors, our nurses, and our patients. Having a guide to redirecting them from the hamster wheel to a sustainable path to self-awareness is an incredible gift that I look forward to sharing.

— Austin Purkeypile, Vice President, Physician Network, Hospital System

As a reliable and caring guide, Greg will help you muster your courage to stop, feel your body, access your inner wisdom, and connect with all the help in the world that you need ... I emerged from reading this book breathing more deeply, seeing more clearly, and making my very next steps more playfully.

— Samir Selmanovic, Ph.D., PCC. Transitions Coach, Organizational Ally, and Retreat Leader

“The world of business will benefit from Greg’s work by confronting the ramifications of this question: What happens to work culture as more and more of us recognize that ROI (Return on Investment) does not always equal ROL (Return on Life)?

Dr. Nelson offers today's increasingly caffeinated leaders and managers (I'm one of them!) compelling ways to integrate the power of productivity with the power of pausing.”

—Ayesha Mathews-Wadhwa, Design Director

“The Strategic Stop” will guide you to pay attention to how you thrive not just survive.